Wednesday, September 16, 2015

MARK SCHULTE, VAGRANT SQUATTER: The Horror of Having a "Black Out" Drunk for a Roommate

reporter/photographer: Miguel Dominguez

Black out drunk Mark Schulte in one of his freeloading,
public binges at the Leslie Lohman Museum

On the week of September 15, 2014, Mark Schulte, an acquaintance I befriended since 2011, but whose private life I knew nothing about, sent a mass email saying he needed a new place to move to. As bad luck would have it, a former roommate I had, just moved out the day before, and having a room to rent, I asked him to come look at it if he wanted to move in.

On the 3rd week of October, 2014, Mark finally called me for an appointment to come look at the room. When I asked him what took him so long, he told me he had been in Intensive Care for 5 days at the hospital because he fainted in the street with pneumonia. He claimed that on his way to the hospital all is property, including all his clothing and documents, were stolen, and he was completely destitute. Furthermore, his landlord had locked him out of the apt. because the was a subtenant in it while the prime tenant had moved away to Europe, and the landlord would not let him come into the apt. to pick up his belongings. I felt very sorry for him, so I offered to let him stay in my apt. as a guest until he could get his bearings together and eventually become my roommate once he was able to get his finances in order. He accepted, with the promise he would pay his share of the rent before the month of December would be over.

By mid month of December, 2014, I started asking Mark Schulte on a daily basis to pay his portion of the rent and he pleaded for me to wait till after new year's because of the Christmas rush to be over at the bank. Not realizing that the same housing laws apply to licensees as they do to paying sub-tenants, I let him stay at my apt. for more than 30 days, which did not allow me to throw him out unless I resorted to court litigation.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Spring BBQ Benefit: LGBTQ Senior Housing in New York City

reporter/photographer: Miguel Dominguez

On May 14th, at the Chelsea home of Brian Delshad, a crowd of over one hundred New York City LGBT activists and supporters ate and drank and learned about the Stonewall Community Development Corporation (SCDC). SCDC’s goal is the creation of LGBTQ friendly and culturally competent supportive senior housing in New York City. They intend to pursue innovative strategies liked mixed income, cross subsidies and commercial developer partnerships to achieve this goal.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

COBY KOEHL at The Stonewall

photographer: Miguel Dominguez

Coby Koehl performed at the Stonewall on July 16th.

Piano: Enterfied, Backing Vocals: Michelle and Sirod, Bass: Raymond Russel, Drums: Leo Santini

Thursday, July 24, 2014

NICK & NICKY: Film in the Works

 by Patrick Askin

"NICK and NICKY" is a modern day screwball comedy and murder mystery inspired by the classic Hollywood comedies of the 1930s and 40s.

Ever wonder "Why don't they make movies like that anymore?" The answer: WE ARE! "NICK and NICKY" takes the witty sparkling spirit of these films and recreates it in a modern day, upscale, Gay setting.

The movie will be marketed as a mainstream comedy featuring a lovable and witty couple that happens to be GAY. The current goal is to raise enough funds($30,000) to finance the filming of the climactic wedding scene this summer at a magnificent ocean side estate in The Hamptons. This scene is not only funny and romantic but will also help further the promotion of MARRIAGE EQUALITY to a mainstream audience. What makes NICK and NICKY unique is that it is a genre film that challenges traditional gender roles. Sometimes the best way to sell an idea is through comedy. Hopefully,we will raise enough funds to film the entire movie. The overall budget is $200,000.

NICK and NICKY'S success has already begun......

We have raised some funds already which allowed us to film the scenes seen in our fabulous trailer. We have assembled a dynamic cast and crew of talented professionals. There will be additional casting for many of the vivid and exciting supporting characters. So please help us bring the entire finished movie to the silver screen.

We have raised some funds already which allowed us to film the scenes seen in our fabulous trailer. We have assembled a dynamic cast and crew of talented professionals. There will be additional casting for many of the vivid and exciting supporting characters. So please help us bring the entire finished movie to the silver screen.

Several staged readings of the script were done to wildly enthusiastic response from audiences both Gay and Straight—click here to go to this blog's previous article of a reading at the Leslie Lohman Museum. The goal is to make NICK and NICKY a big crossover hit. But we can only do it with your help. The project is a fun one so please be a part of the FUN!

Getting a movie made is never easy but if enough money is raised I have every confidence that "Nick and Nicky" will do very well at the box office. Several scenes have already been filmed and the wedding scene will be filmed this summer and the rest of the movie in the late Fall of 2014. The goal is to release the film in 2015. Many of the locations have been secured.

Once the wedding scene is filmed I feel very confident that it will be easier to raise funds to complete the project by the end of 2014. The timeliness of the Marriage Equality issue on a national basis should provide incentive to get distributors.

Friday, June 27, 2014

THE ART OF MODELING: Wilhelmina Models

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

On June 13th, the Fashion committee of The National Arts Club had a most enjoyable presentation. Melissa Wilhelmina Cooper, daughter of the legendary Dutch model Wilhelmina Cooper, who founded Wilhelmina Models, brought three of the agency's "Supermodels," Coco Rocha, Armando Cabral, and Robyn Lawley, to discuss the art of modeling and tell some personal stories from their modeling careers.

Melissa Wilhelmina Cooper was the interviewer of the program

Sunday, June 15, 2014


reporter: Miguel Dominguez

Marlborough Gallery just signed architect Santiago Calatrava up for representation, and on April 24 his smaller scale works—sculptures of bronze, wood, and alabaster, and also ceramics and drawings—debuted at the Midtown gallery. This is his first representation by a major international gallery, although Calatrava has previously shown in New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

ATELIER COURBET: New Designs in Textiles by ANNA KARLIN

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

On May 18th, Interior Design Magazine, which had done a cover on Anna Karlin stools, arranged for a presentation of Anna's new designs in fabrics, being executed by the prestigious Hosoo of Kyoto, and what better place to do it in, than at that den of luxury, Atelier Courbet, which carries other lines of the Hosoo output among its treasures.

Anna Karlin stools

MAGGIE NORRIS & MICHEL PIRANESI: 'Marlene' Eyewear + Jewels by the tableful

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

On January 30th, designer Maggie Norris and jeweler Michel Piranesi banded together at Selima Optique to show off their latest creations. For Maggie, it was the unveiling of her new design in eyewear, 'Marlene'. V.I.P.s in the worlds of fashion, the performing arts and the social scene made up the spirited crowd.

LLADRO Unveils 'NATURO fantastic'

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

April 28th was the date  the Lladró showroom in midtown Manhattan had a presentation of their latest series in ceramics that goes by the name of 'NATURO fantastic'.

THE ECLECTIC EYE: Barry Friedman's Collection. Auction Preview

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

When Barry Friedman, the Manhattan based art dealer decided to retire, a diversity of works, drawn from his homes and from his stock, were presented at Christie’s under the banner ‘The Eclectic Eye’. A preview of the items took place on April 24 which has been arranged as a series of four sales that will provide a review of the many spheres in which he has made his mark.